Drafts like the wind, or drafts like a rough draft? I’ll take both, which sums up the NBA Draft

25 Jun

headerI could sit here and talk about the NBA Draft, but I’ll leave that to the experts, such as ESPN’s Doug Gottlieb, who predicted Georgetown’s “Darrell” Summers to go 30th in the first round. Last time I checked he went by DaJuan, but then again, who really knows. I just hope the Nets pick someone that can have a Brook Lopezenesque like impact. And for those who say the draft is weak, I agree and disagree. The high school class of ’08 was a weak one, and I can say that because I went to school with them for 3 years, and just because the classes of ’06, 07, and especially ’09 are much better. But no worries because the class of ’10 wasn’t too hot in my high school. On the other hand, this draft may just have some late bloomers. There are good players that can be found anywhere, and I think some of the guards can be good. Not too sure about Blake Griffin. I don’t see him as a star, and I think Ricky Rubio is a huge risk. However, they are projected to be drafted high for a reason, so we should see. It will be an interesting and fun night tonight!

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